Total : 44
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Practical Training
Practical Training
Practical Training
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
- 번호
- 분류
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 44
- Lower body Exercise
- [Activation EX] The Single-Leg Hip Hinge Exercise
- 정세진
- 2024-12-10
- 28
- 43
- Core Exercise
- Lower body Exercise
- [Stability EX] Side Plank with Hip Adduction
- 정세진
- 2024-10-22
- 48
- 42
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Single Leg Balance Exercises_Novice
- 정세진
- 2024-10-08
- 87
- 41
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Single Leg Balance Exercises
- 정세진
- 2024-09-12
- 71
- 40
- Lower body Exercise
- [Activation EX] Great Toe Abduction
- 정세진
- 2024-08-27
- 87
- 39
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Single Leg Posterior Step Down
- 정세진
- 2024-07-23
- 97
- 38
- Lower body Exercise
- [Activation EX] Calf Raises
- 정세진
- 2024-07-10
- 83
- 37
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- 정세진
- 2024-03-12
- 109
- 36
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Single-Leg Toe Touch
- 정세진
- 2024-02-14
- 119
- 35
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Dumbbell Goblet Squat
- 정세진
- 2024-02-01
- 120
- 34
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Leg Press
- 정세진
- 2024-01-10
- 124
- 33
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Heel Walking & Toe Walking
- 정세진
- 2023-10-26
- 124
- 32
- Lower body Exercise
- [Basic EX] Lunge
- 정세진
- 2023-10-11
- 119
- 31
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Lunge With Rotation
- 정세진
- 2023-08-09
- 125
- 30
- Lower body Exercise
- [Balance & Stability] Single Leg Balance and Trunk Rotation
- 정세진
- 2023-07-12
- 120
- 29
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] TRX Squat
- 정세진
- 2023-05-23
- 121
- 28
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Single leg standing on a balance ball
- 정세진
- 2023-05-09
- 127
- 27
- Lower body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] 밸런스볼 위에서 서서 균형 잡기 / Standing on a balance ball
- 정세진
- 2023-04-04
- 132
- 26
- Lower body Exercise
- [Activation EX] 벽에 한 발 올리고 몸통 숙였다 일어나기 / [Activation EX] Wall-Reference Romanian Deadlift
- 관리자
- 2022-10-06
- 2037
- 25
- Lower body Exercise
- [Activation EX] 튼튼한 발 아치 운동 / Strong Foot Arch Exercise
- 관리자
- 2022-04-26
- 107