Total : 48
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Practical Training
Practical Training
Practical Training
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
- 번호
- 분류
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 48
- Core Exercise
- Upper body Exercise
- [Stability EX] Shoulder Stability Plank
- 정세진
- 2025-02-12
- 11
- 47
- Upper body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Assisted Pull-Ups with a Band
- 정세진
- 2024-11-13
- 36
- 46
- Upper body Exercise
- Flexibility Exercise
- [Activation EX] Seated Back Extension
- 정세진
- 2024-06-25
- 132
- 45
- Upper body Exercise
- Flexibility Exercise
- [Activation EX] Neck Rotation With Single Arm Downward Pull
- 정세진
- 2024-06-11
- 157
- 44
- Upper body Exercise
- Flexibility Exercise
- [Activation EX] Neck & Shoulder Relaxation
- 정세진
- 2024-05-14
- 166
- 43
- Upper body Exercise
- Flexibility Exercise
- [Activation EX] Levator Scapular Stretching
- 정세진
- 2024-04-25
- 210
- 42
- Upper body Exercise
- Flexibility Exercise
- [Activation EX] Neck Extension With Chest Opening
- 정세진
- 2024-04-09
- 198
- 41
- Upper body Exercise
- [Posture Correction EX] Scapular Retraction
- 정세진
- 2023-12-20
- 169
- 40
- Upper body Exercise
- [Posture Correction EX] Chin Nods & Neck Retractions
- 정세진
- 2023-11-28
- 150
- 39
- Upper body Exercise
- [Basic EX] Push Up
- 정세진
- 2023-09-13
- 175
- 38
- Upper body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Lat Pull Down
- 정세진
- 2023-06-29
- 163
- 37
- Upper body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] Dead Hang
- 정세진
- 2023-06-21
- 159
- 36
- Upper body Exercise
- [Machine EX] 누워서 밀기 / Lying Chest Press
- 정세진
- 2023-04-25
- 184
- 35
- Upper body Exercise
- [Gym Work-Out] 밸런스볼 팔굽혀펴기 / Push Up With A Balance Ball
- 정세진
- 2023-04-19
- 161
- 34
- Upper body Exercise
- [Gym Workout] TRX 당기기 / TRX Row
- 정세진
- 2023-03-28
- 167
- 33
- Upper body Exercise
- [Machine EX] 앉아서 당기기 / Seated Row
- 정세진
- 2023-03-15
- 177
- 32
- Upper body Exercise
- [Machine EX] 앉아서 밀기 / Seated Chest Press
- 정세진
- 2023-03-15
- 168
- 31
- Upper body Exercise
- [Mobility EX] 벽에 기대 서서 팔 밀어 올리기 / Wall Slide Against Wall
- 관리자
- 2023-01-26
- 170
- 30
- Upper body Exercise
- [Mobility EX] 벽에 기대 서서 팔꿈치 굽히기 / Elbow Bending Standing Against Wall
- 관리자
- 2023-01-17
- 176
- 29
- Upper body Exercise
- [Stability EX] 전거근 벽 밀어 올리기 / Serratus Wall Slide
- 관리자
- 2023-01-12
- 347