Total : 784
- 번호
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 공지
- March 2025, Join for the Exercise Workshop: Lower Body Exercises N
- 정세진
- 2025-02-27
- 4
- 공지
- February 2025, Join for the Group Exercise: TRX Exercise
- 정세진
- 2025-02-12
- 8
- 682
- January 2024, Join for the Kettlebell Swing Workshop
- 정세진
- 2023-12-29
- 185
- 681
- January 2024, Participant Recruitment for the LAB-EX (The Group Exercise Program)
- 정세진
- 2023-12-28
- 172
- 680
- December 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: Dumbbell Circuit Training
- 정세진
- 2023-12-14
- 168
- 678
- Closure of Fitness & Golf Practice Room at Sports-Complex Membership Center_2023.12.16 Sat.
- 정세진
- 2023-12-11
- 150
- 677
- December 2023, Join for the Press Workshop
- 정세진
- 2023-12-06
- 130
- 676
- December 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: Shuffle Run Training
- 정세진
- 2023-12-06
- 109
- 673
- December 2023, Participant Recruitment for the LAB-EX (The Group Exercise Program)
- 정세진
- 2023-11-28
- 111
- 672
- November 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: Total Body Circuit Training
- 정세진
- 2023-11-17
- 103
- 669
- November 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: TRX Training
- 정세진
- 2023-11-13
- 96
- 668
- [Sports] November 2023 , KAIST Fun Run Competition
- 정세진
- 2023-11-08
- 97
- 666
- November 2023, Join for the Squat Workshop
- 정세진
- 2023-10-27
- 82
- 665
- November 2023, Participant Recruitment for the LAB-EX (The Group Exercise Program)
- 정세진
- 2023-10-27
- 87