Total : 784
- 번호
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 공지
- March 2025, Join for the Exercise Workshop: Lower Body Exercises N
- 정세진
- 2025-02-27
- 4
- 공지
- February 2025, Join for the Group Exercise: TRX Exercise
- 정세진
- 2025-02-12
- 8
- 644
- BENEFIT CHALLENGE: Workshops With Sports & Health Experts_Core Training
- 정세진
- 2023-08-31
- 112
- 641
- BENEFIT CHALLENGE: Workshops With Sports & Health Experts
- 정세진
- 2023-08-29
- 101
- 640
- 2023 August, Drawing Result of the Sports-Complex New Membership
- 정세진
- 2023-08-14
- 102
- 639
- August 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: Dumbbell Circuit Training-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-08-10
- 99
- 638
- CLOSURE OF THE MEMBERSHIP SPORTS FACILITY (2023. 8. 15 Tue. The Independence Day)
- 정세진
- 2023-08-09
- 100
- 637
- [Sports] August 2023, Join for the Kettlebell Swing Workshop-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-08-04
- 96
- 634
- [Sports] July 2023, Join for the Group Exercise: Shuffle Run-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-07-13
- 98
- 633
- July 2023 , Drawing Result of the Sports-Complex New Membership
- 정세진
- 2023-07-10
- 110
- 632
- [Sports] July 2023, Join for the Kettlebell Swing Workshop-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-06-30
- 100
- 629
- [Sports] June 2023, Group Exercise Program: High Intensity Interval Training-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-06-22
- 87
- 628
- 2023 Half Marathon Challenge Project-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-06-15
- 91
- 627
- June 2023, Group Exercise Program: Total Body Circuit Training-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-06-15
- 91
- 626
- June 2023 , Drawing Result of the Sports-Complex New Membership
- 정세진
- 2023-06-12
- 85