Total : 784
- 번호
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 공지
- March 2025, Join for the Exercise Workshop: Lower Body Exercises N
- 정세진
- 2025-02-27
- 4
- 공지
- February 2025, Join for the Group Exercise: TRX Exercise
- 정세진
- 2025-02-12
- 8
- 624
- 2023 June, Participant Recruitment for the LAB-EX (The Group Exercise Program)
- 정세진
- 2023-05-30
- 92
- 623
- 2023 June, Exercise Workshop: Squat_Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-05-26
- 91
- 622
- The 14th KAIST Indoor Rowing Competition Photos
- 정세진
- 2023-05-24
- 96
- 621
- Sports Facilities Closure Information_Buddha's Birthday
- 정세진
- 2023-05-22
- 94
- 620
- The KAIST Rowing Competition Result
- 정세진
- 2023-05-19
- 89
- 619
- [Sports] May 2023, Group Exercise Program: Step Box Training
- 정세진
- 2023-05-18
- 97
- 618
- [Sports] May 2023 , KAIST Fun Run Competition
- 정세진
- 2023-05-17
- 104
- 617
- May 2023, Group Exercise Program: Dumbbell Circuit Training
- 정세진
- 2023-05-17
- 88
- 616
- 2023, KAIST Indoor Rowing Competition
- 정세진
- 2023-05-09
- 105
- 615
- 2023 May, Drawing Result of the Sports-Complex New Membership
- 정세진
- 2023-05-08
- 94
- 614
- 2023 May, Exercise Workshop: Press-Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-05-04
- 91
- 612
- [Notice] Error of the Inquiries page of the website
- 정세진
- 2023-04-27
- 87
- 609
- 2023년 4월 건강달리기 대회 참가자 모집 / [Sports] April 2023, KAIST Fun Run Competition
- 정세진
- 2023-04-12
- 187
- 608
- [행사] 장석복 교수님 운동 장비 기부 기념식
- 정세진
- 2023-04-11
- 95
- 605
- 2023년 4월, 운동 워크샵 참가자 모집: 데드리프트-마감되었습니다. / 2023 April, Exercise Workshop: Deadlift- Closed
- 정세진
- 2023-04-02
- 123