Total : 298
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Total Body Workout
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Cardio Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Core Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Lower body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Upper body Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Flexibility Exercise
Practical Training
Practical Training
Practical Training
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
Exercise Information & Event
- 번호
- 분류
- 제목
- 작성자
- 등록일
- 조회수
- 58
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 13- 상체 집중: Push Up, Prone Y-Lift, Twist Push-Up, Prone Y-Lift & Pull, Dolphin Plank
- 관리자
- 2020-07-15
- 4965
- 57
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 12- 하체 집중: Drop Squat, Drop Lunge, Overhead Squat, Reverse Lunge & Front Kick, Skater
- 관리자
- 2020-07-13
- 4727
- 56
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 11- 하체 집중: Squat, Lunge, Squat Thrust, Side Shuffle, Squat & Side Kick
- 관리자
- 2020-07-10
- 4776
- 55
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 10- 몸통 집중: Supine Knee to Chest, Mountain Climber, Paper Doll Exercise, Dolphin Plank
- 관리자
- 2020-05-25
- 8993
- 54
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 9- 몸통 집중: Dead Bug Exercise, Seated Twist, Flutter Kick, Side Plank Up & Down
- 관리자
- 2020-05-22
- 5006
- 53
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 옆으로 버티며 위아래로 움직이기 / Side Plank Up & Down
- 관리자
- 2020-05-21
- 3136
- 52
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 엎드려 버티며 앞뒤로 움직이기 / Dolphin Plank
- 관리자
- 2020-05-21
- 3039
- 51
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 앉아서 몸통 회전하기 / Seated Twist
- 관리자
- 2020-05-20
- 2608
- 50
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 몸통 반만 일으키기 / Crunch
- 관리자
- 2020-05-20
- 2907
- 49
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 누워서 무릎 굽혀 당기기 / Supine Knee to Chest
- 관리자
- 2020-05-20
- 11184
- 48
- Total Body Workout
- <1평 홈트> 몸통 비틀며 점프하기 / Twist Jump
- 관리자
- 2020-05-20
- 3101
- 47
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 누워서 팔 다리 교차 움직이기 / Dead Bug Exercise
- 관리자
- 2020-05-20
- 3749
- 46
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 8_ Overhead Squat, Crawling & Sitting, V-Up, Bear Crawling
- 관리자
- 2020-05-19
- 5003
- 45
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 7_Mountain Climber, T-Lift & Rotation, Hand to Forearm Plank, Paper Doll Exercise
- 관리자
- 2020-05-19
- 5622
- 44
- Total Body Workout
- <1평 홈트> 곰처럼 이동하기 / Bear Crawling
- 관리자
- 2020-05-18
- 2883
- 43
- Core Exercise
- <1평 홈트> V 만들기 / V-Up
- 관리자
- 2020-05-18
- 2933
- 42
- Total Body Workout
- <1평 홈트> 기는 자세와 앉는 자세 / Crawling & Sitting
- 관리자
- 2020-05-18
- 2462
- 41
- Lower body Exercise
- <1평 홈트> 손 머리 위로 뻗어 올리고 앉았다 서기 / Overhead Squat
- 관리자
- 2020-05-18
- 2653
- 40
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 6: Drop Lunge, Prone Y-Lift, Bicycle Maneuver, Crawling
- 관리자
- 2020-05-15
- 12361
- 39
- Practical Training
- <1평 홈트> Circuit Training 5: Single Leg Toe Touch , Standing Y-Lift , X-Lift , Squat Thrust
- 관리자
- 2020-05-15
- 5356